
Because the undercliff path is an area of such outstanding natural beauty, it’s important that we do all we can to keep it that way.

We’re also committed to reducing our carbon footprint as much as we can, while raising essential funds for our services.

This year we've teamed up with local organisation Clarity Environmental, to make the race as eco-friendly as possible.

Promotional materials

Our posters and fliers were all printed on recycled paper, and we are re-using all our signage from previous year's races. If you have picked up one - please make sure you recycle it!

Recycling on the day

We will have recycling bins on site – please dispose of any recyclable materials in these and do not leave any litter behind you! We will also have a designated bin for your banana skins so we can make sure they are composted don’t end up in landfill.

Can you help?

  • Please don’t buy a single-use plastic bottle for the event.
  • Please consider taking public transport, cycling or participating in a lift share to get you to the race. Click here for more information about bus times and Brighton Bike Hire.
  • Please use the correct bin for refuse / recycling / banana skins.
  • Do not leave any litter behind you!

We will be sending out a request for feedback at the end of the event, and would welcome your comments and suggestions for improving the sustainability of this event going forward. Our future plans include sourcing aluminium or wooden medals, using paper envelopes to send race packs and finding out if participants would be happy to re-use their 8K t-shirts for future events.