Our Values

RISE Values focus on us Walking Together, Giving Voice, Building on Strengths and Creating Community with survivors whilst Being Ambitious and Pragmatic in our work. They will be embedded in all that we do and inform how we organise and operate.

Walking Together: RISE believes in walking alongside women, children and LGBT survivors of domestic and sexual abuse throughout their entire life journey. Through accessible, holistic, hopeful and survivor-centred support we help survivors to reclaim their freedom and safety. Working in collaboration and partnership is key to navigating this journey together.

Giving Voice: RISE amplifies the voices of survivors and advocates on their behalf, so their voice is heard. Our feminist values drive us to raise awareness, campaign, and challenge injustices working towards meaningful change in society.

Building on Strengths: RISE recognises and builds upon the strengths and gifts of women, children and LGBT survivors, using a trauma-informed, person-focused approach to support their unique needs. Our expert staff provide specialised services with openness and honesty, fostering safety, peace and freedom for the long-term.

Creating Community: RISE builds a long-lasting community of care and resistance, making survivors and staff feel supported, valued and committed to our work. Our approach is deeply rooted in community development and creativity as well as providing realistic solutions to improve the lives of survivors. We celebrate diversity and respect differing beliefs and life-experience across our communities. We foster fair, safe, and non-judgmental spaces and help individuals to become resourceful agents of change within their communities.

Being Ambitious and Pragmatic: Whilst we remain idealistic and aim high in our goals, RISE is pragmatic, grounding our efforts in reality. We endeavour to create sustainable and effective initiatives. We use the best evidence and data to demonstrate the quality of our services, and encourage buy-in from funders, our community and stakeholders, allowing us to continue making a lasting impact in the lives of women, children and LGBT survivors.