About domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone, and one in four women experience it in their lifetime.

Despite its prevalence, domestic abuse is hugely under-reported.

Domestic abuse is often hidden because it mainly occurs at home, but sometimes victims don't even realise what they're experiencing is abuse.

Other factors contribute to victim attrition, even after domestic abuse has been reported to the police, including shame, guilt, fear, and language barriers.

About domestic abuse

In the UK every week two women are murdered by a partner or ex-partner.

About domestic abuse

It's estimated that less than 24% of domestic violence crime is reported to the police.

Those who have experienced abuse from a partner or ex-partner will often try to keep it hidden.

They may:

  • Feel ashamed or blame themselves.
  • Love their partner and not want them to be criticised or punished.
  • Be frightened that if they tell anyone and their partner finds out they will be in danger of even worse abuse.

Abuse takes many forms, and isn't always physical. You may not realise that what's happening to you is abuse. We've put together a set of questions to help you work out whether you are in an abusive relationship.

About domestic abuse
I was a businesswoman. I was confident, independent and outgoing and he knocked it all out of me. I am going to be like that again. I have started counselling to rebuild my confidence and my life. I will work again and I will make a better life for me and my kids. It won’t be easy but I know, with the help I am getting here, that I will make it. I am not on my own any more.
A former RISE service user

If you’re being abused, you are not alone, and you are not to blame.

Help and support is available. We believe you.

Children & young people

Are you a young person being affected by abuse at home or in your relationship? Find out how we can help you.

About domestic abuse


Abuse in a relationship is when you try to control someone, hurt them or force them to do things they don’t want to.

If you're worried about your behaviour, find out what constitutes abuse and how you can make changes.
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About domestic abuse

Coping with trauma

Domestic violence survivors can face ongoing and challenging effects of abuse.

On the journey to recovery, survivors and those who support them should understand that healing takes time.
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About domestic abuse

Worried about a friend?

Your help can make a huge difference to someone who is being abused. Learn how to spot the signs that someone is in an abusive relationship, and how you can support them and help them to stay safe.

Help a friend About domestic abuse
About domestic abuse