How do I contact Helpline?

RISE operates an independent domestic abuse helpline in Brighton & Hove.

If you think you may be in an abusive relationship you can call our helpline on 01273 622 822. Our helpline is open on Monday and Tuesday mornings 9.30 - 12.30pm; please call during these times if you would like to speak to us. Alternatively, you can complete our online referral form. Please remember to let us know a safe contact number on which to call you during these times, and whether it is safe to leave you a message.

If you are seeking LGBTQ+ support, you can speak to our specialist caseworker by emailing [email protected]

How do I contact Helpline?

If you are in danger, call 999.

If you call 999 and are unable to speak, and are using a mobile phone, call 55 to let the police know it is a genuine emergency and then follow the instructions that you will hear.

How do I contact Helpline?

It is not true that police will automatically attend if you make a silent 999 call. If you can't speak you can respond to the operator's questions by coughing or tapping the handset if possible, and if you're using a mobile phone, press 55 to use the Silent Solution system.

Pressing 55 does not allow police to track your location.

How do I contact Helpline?

If you need immediate help and support call the freephone National Domestic Violence 24hr Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

Or call the Brighton and Hove Domestic Abuse Support Service at Victim Support on 0300 323 9985.

How do I contact Helpline?

About our helpline

Our helpline workers will listen to you and give you support, advice and information. At RISE we focus on support for recovery and moving on. We have services such as courses, groups, and therapy and activity groups, and may suggest these to you, depending on what is available as well as what is suitable for your needs.

Where appropriate, we may carry out a brief risk assessment and refer you to other local services, including the new caseworking service provided by our partners Victim Support Sussex. We can also let you know about other local and national organisations which may be able to help you.

How do I contact Helpline?

Sussex Police offer a disclosure service, to help you find out more about your partner’s offending history so you can make more informed choices. Each case is considered individually and information will be shared when it could reduce the risk of someone being a victim of crime. Please call the Helpline or email us to ask about this.

How do I contact Helpline?