Parents & children

We understand that parenting is never easy. But if you add domestic abuse into the equation things can become even more difficult and complicated, both for both you and your children.

Parents & children

The effect of abuse such as pain, distress, anger, irritability, fear, reduced mobility and hospitalisation can affect your ability meet your children's needs.

Parents & children

Violence can damage the mother – child relationship.

Belittling, undermining, insulting and hitting a mother in front of their children may affect the respect they have for their mother's authority, and her ability to exercise authority over them.

Witnessing abusive behaviour first-hand can make it feel 'okay' to use violence as a way of communicating. Young people may even go onto to abuse their mothers or siblings themselves.

RISE can provide specialist support to help mothers regain their confidence in parenting, and renew the bonds with their children. Our staff are trained in a parenting aid called the Parent/Child Game, which uses technology to help grow your parenting skills.

It can help you to:

  • Have the best possible relationship with your child
  • Improve the quality of your parent-child interaction and communication
  • Enhance your child’s well-being on a long term basis
  • Feel more deeply fulfilled in your parental role.
Parents & children

We offer parenting support that's one-to-one, or for you and children together.

Parents & children

Our family work focuses on building relationships between the parent and the child that's been damaged or undermined by the impact of domestic violence or abuse. It can include art, music, discussions and sensory-based activities, and is based around your family’s individual needs.

We can also offer advice and support around parenting issues such as access contact.

What to do in an Emergency

If you are in immediate danger you should call 999. However it’s a good idea to put together a safety plan, so you are prepared for what to do in an emergency. Find out some of the safety measures you can take by visiting our What to do in an emergency and Ways to stay safe pages.

Legal help with children

Leaving an abusive relationship is complex and never easy. Navigating the Family Court and negotiating custody and access to children can be long, expensive and very confusing. Find out about some of the ways we can help you by visiting our Legal help with children page.

Talking to your child about domestic abuse

When a child sees or directly experiences abuse it is important to talk about it, even though it can be both heart-breaking and confusing. Adult silence may be seen as a signal to keep quiet themselves, or feel that it is a shameful secret. Find out how to approach this on the Talking to your child page.