Make Christmas sparkle - donate a gift for a local child who has experienced domestic abuse

Posted on November, 2023

The RISE family Christmas party is coming soon. Every child who attends will received a gift. Will you help us provide them?

Ever year RISE hosts a Christmas party for mums and children who have experienced domestic abuse. These families use our services. They have had tough times and the healing they do with us can feel tough, too.

The party is a time to simply celebrate. There are friends, games, food and drink - and gifts. It's a lot of fun.

The gifts we're asking for include feelings journals and cuddly plushies as well as noisy toys, crafts and clothing. They are all available on our Amazon wishlist which means you can shop at your convenience and they will be delivered directly to us.

If you are able and willing to help, please order your gifts by 23.59 on the 30th November so we have time to get them delivered, wrapped, and ready ahead of the party. Please order them UNWRAPPED - we need to see the gifts to know what to give to each child.

Thank you so much in advance for your help - thank you.


Make Christmas sparkle donate a gift