Moving for Mental Health

Posted on May, 2024

It's Mental Health Awareness week and the theme is 'Moving more for our mental health'. Could our 8K Run for Women be a chance for you to get moving more?

We've all heard it - moving is good for us. It lifts our spirits as well as our muscles, can help to increase energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety, and even boost your self-esteem. There is tons of evidence that confirms it - most of us feel better when we move more.

But how can we get started? When there is a never ending list of jobs to do, things to sort, people to help, dishes and clothes to wash, adding movement - even if we'll feel good after - can feel like just another chore.

This Mental Health Awareness Week, The Mental Health Foundation are suggesting we all look for our 'moments for movement' - little spaces in our day where we can add movement easily. We love the idea of taking a 10 minute dance break - which can include dancing in a chair - to our favourite songs, or adding a movement break into a work meeting. And we also love their suggestion to notice the movements we already make - if, say, you pop to the shops, could you spend a moment noticing how your body feels when it's moving? Even just noticing what's happening and how we feel right now can help us feel better.

What about if you fancy something a little more challenging?

There are great running groups like our friends at Brighton and Hove Women's Running Club who support our 8K. Their range of courses includes some for beginners so you get to socialise, and move together with other women - a winning combination for mental health!

And we need to tell you that it's under five months until our 8K Run for Women and YOU have time to train for it, even if you've never run before. You absolutely do!

Our flat and friendly run with stunning sea views all the way takes place on the 13th October - hundreds of women will run together from the Undercliff at Saltdean to Brighton Marina and back - accompanied by fantastic music, and with home made cake at the end! The brilliant Couch to 5K app will take you from zero to 5k in nine weeks - you can even have Sarah Millican as your coach - and then you've still got over two months to add the last 3K. You can do it - you can!

However you chose to move for your mental health, remember that you are unique and what works for you is unique too. We all deserve to feel good - moving, even a little bit, can help.

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