16 Days of Activism: Ask for donations to us for your birthday

Posted on November, 2022

Having a birthday? Don't need any more stuff? Ask for donations to us instead

16 Days 2911

Your birthday can be a happy day for you and for us when you ask for donations!

There are lots of different ways you can do this.

For those who will want to send you a card no matter what, ask for cash inside birthday cards, and send it on to us.

Or ask people to skip the cards and set up a fundraiser on Facebook or a page on JustGiving - they can leave a message with their donation so you still get the love, and so do we!

Last year, over £7000 was raised for us through fundraisers on Facebook. Some people raised £10, some people raised £300. It all adds up and every single penny you raise WILL help women and children affected by Domestic Violence and/or Abuse.

Thank you for helping us be there for survivors

#16DaysOfActivism #16Days