16 Days of Activism: Host a Swish

Posted on November, 2022

Fancy something new to wear? Want to clear out your wardrobe? Do both with a swish!

16 Days 2711

A Swish is a clothes swapping party and it can be a really fun way to get rid of the old and make room for the new!

At its simplest, you could just invite your friends to your home, and agree that for every item they donate, they get to take one item away.

If you're feeling more ambitious you might decide to 'price' garments - maybe a T-shirt is one 'point' and a coat is five points, or high street brands are worth half as much as designer brands.

You don't have to limit it to adult clothes - you could include baby and children's clothes too.

Charge a small entry fee - even £1 - and send that to us as your donation

No donation is too small to count. Every single penny you raise WILL help women and children affected by Domestic Violence and/or Abuse.

Thank you for helping us be there for survivors. Enjoy your new clothes!

#16DaysOfActivism #16Days