16 Days of Activism: Offer 'takeaways' to your friends for donations to us

Posted on December, 2022

Keen cook? Raise funds for us by offering your friends takeaways from your kitchen

16 Days 312

Do you love cooking or baking? Do your friends love your food?

Today's fundraising idea is for you!

Offer your friends a choice of dishes or items, or pick a standout recipe, or meal that you love making and your friends love eating. Perhaps you make great curry, rice and dal. Are your cakes out of this world? Is your bread legendary, your winter stews stupendous? Are you a brilliant biscuiteer?

Whatever you love cooking or baking, message your friends and tell them it's on offer. Set aside some time to batch cook, and then either deliver or ask them to collect. Ask for donations to us in exchange and then send them in here.

No donation is too small to count. Every single penny you raise WILL help women and children affected by Domestic Violence and/or Abuse.

Thank you for helping us be there for survivors.

#16DaysofActivism #16Days