16 Days of Activism: Run errands for donations

Posted on December, 2022

Offer to run errands for your friends, give lifts or do chores in exchange for donations to us

16 Days 912

Have you got more time than money spare?

Offer to help your friends or neighbours with errands, lifts, odd jobs and chores.

Pick a day or a time period, post about it on social media - or maybe even knock your neighbours doors, or pop a note through the letterbox if you're friendly with them.

This could include getting shopping, cleaning the windows, wrapping Christmas presents (if they're organised!) taking parcels to the post office, returning library books, cleaning the car or bike, mowing the lawn, cleaning a balcony, emptying garden pots ready for winter, taking a load of rubbish to the dump, measure a window for those curtains that need replacing, fix a squeaky wheel on a pushchair, doing a niggly job that's been waiting for ages.. the possibilities are endless!

Collect cash while you help and then send on to us, or set up a JustGiving Page.

Every single penny you raise WILL help women and children affected by Domestic Violence and/or Abuse. No donation is too small to count.

Thank you for helping us be there for survivors.

#16DaysofActivism #16Days