Thank you to our incredible volunteers this Volunteers Week - and every week!

Posted on June, 2023

It's Volunteers Week and we're thrilled to be able to take this chance to thank all our amazing volunteers!

RISE Volunteers Week

Volunteers do so much here at RISE. Their time, compassion and dedication supports so much of our work - here are some examples of what they do - and if you want to get involved, all the info is below.

Helpline volunteers

We have eight helpline volunteers, who answer calls from people wondering if they may be in an abusive relationship.

The helpline is open for eight hours a week, and there are always two volunteers there. So between them, those volunteers give 16 hours of time each week. Each call costs £20 so we can say that our volunteers effectively donate £320 worth of support to us each week. Over a year, thats a huge total of around 830 hours and £16,640.

Alice joined the Helpline in 2021 and says, 'Connecting with people at a pivotal stage of their life is a real privilege, and their strength and stories will always stick with me.' Read more about Alice's experience here.


Our Board of Trustees are all volunteers. These nine incredible women provide strategic oversight and play a crucial role in our team, bringing together diverse life experience and passion for the work we do. One third of them are survivors, survivor volunteers being at the core, and every level, of RISE.

8K Volunteers

Our iconic 8K Undercliff Run for Women is a vital annual fundraising event. Last year, over 40 people volunteered, including the amazing Brighton and hove Women's Running Club, doing everything from sweeping the course the day before, to handing out medals to finishers and live streaming parts of the run. Those volunteers gave around 7 hours each - that's a whopping 280 hours, or eight working weeks!

In 2022, Cate helped was with us throughout the 8K, from setting up to packing it all away, and she even wrote about how it was afterwards. Read her thoughts about the day here

Want to get involved in 2023? We'd love you to! Find out how here.

Volunteer Counsellor and therapy placements

We offer placements to both trainee and qualified counsellors. The numbers of people on placement varies.

Due to the complexity of the issues we work with at RISE, we require trainee counsellors to have at least 100 clinical hours with adult clients before we can consider offering a placement.

If you have 100+ clinical hours and would like to apply for a placement with us then please feel free to email us with details of your qualifications and experience, and consent for us to hold your details. We will then let you know when we are next recruiting for clinical placements with RISE. If you do not yet have this experience, then please feel free to come back to us once you have built up your hours. In the meantime, we wish you the best of luck with your training and finding a placement.

Other volunteering

We frequently recruit for a variety of volunteering roles, including on our helpline, in our fundraising and communications team, for the 8K, and as community connectors. Any volunteer opportunities we have will be shared on this page. If there are no opportunities being advertised right now, you can still get in touch and tell us you'd like to help - we'd love to hear from you!