LGBTQ+ relationships

LGBTQ+ people can experience domestic abuse regardless of age, class, disability, gender identity, caring responsibility, immigration status, race, or religion.

If you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender, and you are experiencing domestic abuse (this can be by a partner, ex-partner, or family member) you can get in touch with us by emailing [email protected] and a member of staff will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can call our helpline on 01273 622 822. Our helpline is open on Monday and Tuesday mornings 9.30 - 12.30pm, and Wednesday evenings 5-7pm.

Acknowledging that any partner, ex-partner or family member is being abusive is hard. This can be made even harder by threats of 'outing' or through fear of further isolation.

Are you worried a relationship you have is abusive? Here is a short checklist of abusive behaviour:

Does your partner, former partner, or a family member:
- Call you names, humiliate and criticise or belittle you?
- Use your gender or sexuality as a basis for threats, intimidation or harm?
- Control or discourage your contact with friends, family, work, or the LGBTQ+ community?
- Intentionally use the wrong pronouns?
- Deny you access to medical treatment or hormones?
- Minimise the harm caused by their behaviour?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be experiencing domestic abuse. This list is in no way comprehensive. Please visit our page Am I being abused? for a longer checklist of abusive behaviours.

LGBTQ+ relationships

Our LGBTQ+ service for survivors of domestic abuse was the first in England.

LGBTQ+ relationships

We also provide one of the few dedicated LGBTQ+ refuge and housing support services.

For further support, you can also seek these organisations below:
- LGBT+Switchboard: Brighton’s first LGBTQ-led Domestic Abuse service, supporting LGBTQ victims and survivors in an inclusive and affirmative community space. They also have support groups for older people, specific Trans and non-binary support and social groups and a helpline for support and information.
- Victim Support: The Domestic Abuse Specialist Service (DASS) for Brighton and Hove is provided by Victim Support and has been in operation since April 2021. They support survivors of any gender and their services currently include specialist support for LGBTQ+ as well as for people who experience racism and migrant survivors.
- Allsorts: Young People’s service. They do drop-ins, counselling and education on LGBTQI+ issues in school.
- MindOut: They offer a low-cost counselling service, have an advocacy service and do several support groups including a peer support group, specific Trans support groups, and a group for those experiencing suicidal thoughts. They also have a peer-to-peer mentoring service.
- Navigate: A peer support group for Transgender, Non-binary and Intersex people on the Trans-masculine spectrum.
-The Clare Project: A self-supporting transgender support and social group based in Brighton and Hove open to anyone wishing to explore issues around gender identity.
-Terrance Higgins Trust: They support people living with or impacted by HIV. They can offer counselling, support groups, mentoring, have a back-to-work programme, and financial advocates.
- Lunch Positive: They run a free lunch club social every Friday for anyone living with HIV.

LGBTQ+ relationships It is hard to put into words how much it has helped and changed my life being supported by RISE. After experiencing domestic violence and homelessness I had been left feeling hopeless and honestly believed, at 28 years old, that my life was over.
Read more LGBTQ+ relationships